IRA Financial Blog

COVID-19 And Socialized Medicine – Episode 232

Adam Talks

IRA Financial’s Adam Bergman discusses his experience with a family member in Canada who has tested positive for COVID-19 and their dealings with socialized medicine.

If you are a regular listener to the podcast, you might remember Adam Bergman’s aunt, who lives in Canada and has some health problems. She was talked about it in this podcast about free universal healthcare. Unfortunately, she has contracted COVID-19. Mr. Bergman wanted to use this platform to talk about what he’s seeing with COVID-19 and socialized medicine.

Dealing with COVID-19

As you know, COVID-19, or the coronavirus, has crippled the entire world in one way or another. It’s personally affected IRA Financial’s president, Adam Bergman. As you may recall, his aunt has special needs and requires full-time care. Everything was going well at a group home, where she received the care she needed. That was until last summer, when the group home closed. After some time, she was taken into a nursing home to get the care she needed. This was no small task, as the Canadian health care system is bogged down with those looking for a doctor.

Then, COVID-19 hit. As with many other group and nursing homes, Mr. Bergman’s aunt’s home was ravaged with the virus. Over 30 staffers and 50 patents contracted it, including his aunt. Thankfully, she has shown no symptoms as of yet. However, more than a dozen people have passed. Once this deadly virus hits the elderly and most susceptible, it’s hard to keep it in check.

While we mourn for the lost, we also need to take care of those still fighting the coronavirus. Unfortunately, there are not enough workers to do so, especially at this home. More than 50 people remain at the home with only a handful of staffers to treat them. It got so bad, that baths weren’t given to the neediest for about a week. Everyone was confined to his or her room as to not spread the disease further. That’s when Mr. Bergman tried to intervene and get some answers.

Socialized Medicine Fails Us

Since there was limited staff, Mr. Bergman had to keep trying to get in touch with someone, when finally a doctor answered his call. Although socialized medicine is great in concept, is it really there when you need it? The answer we found is no. The resources are not there from the government. These nursing homes are left to fend for themselves. There’s no back up coming. These brave medical professionals who have continued to work through the pandemic deserve all the credit. But, they need help.

What stood out from Mr. Bergman’s story, is when the doctor asked if he wanted to lift the resuscitate order on his aunt. Of course, she’s only 65, we want paramedics and doctors to do all they can to save her life in the event of an emergency. Essentially, if the worst happens, they cannot guarantee that they will do all they can. She might not even be taken to a hospital if complications arise. This is how socialized medicine is failing us. It’s there when you don’t need it, but can it can be counted on when you desperately need it? All of us deserve the chance to live out our lives, even when not completely healthy.

COVID-19 and socialized medicine has opened eyes for many. Are countries that offer free health care ready to deal with this type of pandemic? In Mr. Bergman’s aunt’s case, it appears they are not. In the end, someone’s life is worth every penny you need to pay to save it.

A Humbling Experience

Generally, our podcast talks about retirement planning, tax strategies and opinions on alternative investing. We felt it was important to get this story out about how COVID-19 is affecting us all. It doesn’t matter if you are American, Canadian, rich or poor. We must do all we can to help out those most in need, especially those who can’t always help themselves.

We wanted to thank you guys for listening and hope Mr. Bergman’s story has shed some light on socialized medicine. Listen to the entire podcast, as no one can put into words what he has shared. Check us out next week when we get back to the exciting world of taxes and retirement!